Once you can sincerely say, "I don't know," then it becomes possible to get at the truth.
(Robert A. Heinlein)
Curriculum vitae
Born 1964 in Belgium. Immigrated to Israel 1996.
Citizenship: Belgium (by birth), Israel (under the Law of Return).
Married to Wendy S. Gardner, one daughter (Aviva)
Home address: 3 Eisenberg Street #100, 7629206 Reḥovot, Israel
Office address: Department of Molecular Chemistry & Materials Science,
Kimmelman 361, Weizmann Institute of Science, 7610001 Reḥovot, Israel -
Office phone: +972 8 934 2533. FAX: +972 8 934 3029
Email: gershom@weizmann.ac.il Skype: gershom2112
Website: compchem.me
Author Identifiers and Citation Metrics
author name for scholarly publications: Jan M. L. Martin
h-index: 83 (ISI Web of Knowledge), 93 (Google Scholar)
Citations: over 25,000 to ISI indexed items, 500+ additional to other items
ResearcherID: A-7457-2008
Scopus: 7501555114
Google Scholar: ZJUBZ1gAAAAJ
Career History
Full Professor ("professor min ha-minyan"), Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, October 2005-present. (On leave of absence August 2010-July 2012.) Incumbent of the Baroness Thatcher Professorial Chair in Chemistry
Distinguished University Research Professor, Center for Advanced Scientific Computing and Modeling (CASCaM), University of North Texas, August 2010-July 2012.
Visiting Professor (Sabbatical) with Prof. George C. Schatz, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, August 2007-July 2008
Associate Professor ("professor ḥaver") with tenure, Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, October 2001--September 2005.
Assistant Professor ("ḥoqer bakhir"), Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, October 1996-September 2001. Incumbent of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair.
Senior Research Associate ("Onderzoeksleider", a tenured research-only faculty position) with the National Science Foundation of Belgium (Nationall Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek/Fonds National de Recherche Scientifique), 1995-September 1999. On leave of absence October 1996-September 1999.
NFWO/FNRS Postdoctoral researcher ("Postdoctoraal onderzoeker"), 1991-1995. On paid postdoctoral leave in the USA 1992-1993.
NFWO/FNRS Doctoral fellow ("Aspirant"), 1987-1991.
Habilitation (Aggregatie voor het Hoger Onderwijs/Agrégation pour l'Enseignement Supérieur), University of Antwerp, Belgium, November 1994. [UMI ProQuest Dissertations 9532332]
Postdoctoral Work in the USA with Dr. Timothy J. Lee (NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA) and Prof. Peter R. Taylor (NASA Ames Research Center and University of California, San Diego), 1992-1993.
Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium, summa cum laude et laudatur ("met de grootste onderscheiding en de gelukwensen van de jury", highest possible grade in Belgium), February 1991. [UMI ProQuest Dissertations 9129654]
Licentiate (combined B.Sc./M.Sc. degree) in Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium, July 1987, summa cum laude ("met de grootste onderscheiding")
Academic and Scholastic Honors
2023: Schrödinger Medal of WATOC (World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists)
2020: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
2017: Prize for Excellence of the Israel Chemical Society [announced January 9, 2018]
2016: Australian Symposium on Computational Chemistry (ASCC-16) in honor of Leo Radom and Jan M.L. Martin
2014-Present: IUPAC Fellow, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
2012-Present: Foreign Member, Royal Academy of Sciences, Literature and the Fine Arts, Belgium
2008 Wolgin Prize for Scientific Excellence, Weizmann Institute of Science.
2004 Dirac Medal of WATOC (World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists), 2004.
2001 Prize of the Scientific Council in Chemical Sciences (פרס המועצה המדעית למדעי הכימיה), Weizmann Institute of Science.
2000 Outstanding Young Scientist Award (פרס למדען הצעיר המצטיין) of the Israel Chemical Society.
1996 Alumni Award of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation (Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting).
1996-1999 Yigal Allon Fellow, Council for Higher Education (Israel)
1994 University of Antwerp Bi-Annual Research Prize
1992 Prize for Scientific Treatises of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Literature, and Fine Arts (Belgium)
1992 Postdoctoral fellowships: Fulbright-Hays Travel Grant, NATO Travel Grant, and National Research Council (USA, declined by recipient due to cumulation restrictions with NFWO/FNRS appointment)
1991 Jean-Servais Stas prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Literature, and Fine Arts (Belgium).
1990 Second prize in "DSM-contest for Chemistry and Technology", Geleen, The Netherlands.
1987 Essochem-prize for chemistry students.
Administrative Duties
Member of the Institutional Tenure and Promotion Committee ("Council of Twelve"), Weizmann Institute of Science, 2018–2021.
Senior Advisor to the President for Information Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, July 2008-July 2010.
Member of the Teaching Board, Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2004-2010.
Chairman of the Weizmann Institute Library Committee, 2004-2008; member, 2001-2008.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Weizmann Institute Computing Center, 2000-2010.
Member of the CHEMFARM users committee, 2020–present.
Member of Feinberg Graduate School Approval Board for Ph.D. Dissertations (ועדת התיזות), Academic Years 2001-2004.
Co-Organizer (with Michael Elbaum) of the Faculty of Chemistry Colloquium, 2004-2005.
Webmaster for Faculty of Chemistry and for Department of Organic Chemistry, 1998-2010.
Weizmann Institute representative in Steering Committee of High-Performance Computing Unit of the Israel Interuniversity Computing Center (historically)
Scientific Community Service
Chairman, ERC Consolidator Grants review panel PE-4 (since 2016).
Member of grant evaluation panels for several foreign science funding agencies.
External reviewer of proposals for several domestic and foreign science funding agencies.
Member of the editorial board of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, since 2007
Member of the editorial board of Spectrochimica Acta A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 2002-2012.
Frequent reviewer for journals such as Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Chemical Physics Letters, Molecular Physica, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, JACS, Organometallics, SCIENCE, and several other journals.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society
Member of IUPAC Task Group Selected Free Radicals and Critical Intermediates: Thermodynamic Properties from Theory and Experiment (2000-2003, renewed 2004-2006).
Scientific Writing, Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute of Science (2005-2010 and again since 2013)
Physical Chemistry I, upper undergraduate level (UNT)
General Chemistry, freshman level (UNT)
Applied Quantum Chemistry, graduate level (Weizmann and UNT)
Mathematics for Chemists (Weizmann)
Scholarly Affiliations
member ad personam, Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry
member, Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Molecular Design (Weizmann Institute of Science)
American Chemical Society (since 1992)
World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), life member
Israel Chemical Society
past member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the American Physical Society
Scholarly Avocations
Linguistics and EFL/ESP teaching (English as a Foreign Language/English for Special Purposes)
Science of Music
Creative Writing
Other Professional Skills
According to the US Foreign Service Institute scale:
L=listening, S=speaking, R=reading, W=writing;
1=survival; 2=basic working knowledge; 3=professional working knowledge; 4=full professional proficiency; 5=native speaker or functional equivalent
Dutch (Nederlands): L-5, S-5, R-5, W-4.
English: L-5, S-5, R-5, W-5.
Hebrew (ivrit, עברית): L-4+, S-4, R-3, W-2
French (français): L-4, S-3, R-4, W-2
German (Deutsch): L-4, S-2, R-4, W-2
Some passive knowledge of Italian, Spanish, and Yiddish. High-school Latin.
According to the CEFR European Language Levels scale:
Listening, Reading, Spoken interaction, Spoken production (lecturing), Writing
Dutch (Nederlands): C2 for all
English: C2 for all
Hebrew (Ivrit): C2, B1, C1, C1, B1
French (français): C1, C1, B2, B2, B2
German (Deutsch)C1, C1, B1, B1, B1
B1-level reading for Italian and Spanish; A2-level reading for several additional languages.
experienced Fortran programmer; notions of other programming languages
systems administration: Linux, Mac OS X
Linux cluster computing
Web technologies
scientific typesetting
Public Outreach
Lectures on "The Library in the Digital Age" and "Information Management for Scientists" to audiences of academic librarians
Lectures on the "Science of Music" to general audiences
Additional lectures to general audiences on historical and linguistic topics
Past longtime moderator of Isramac (Israeli Macintosh Users mailing list) on Yahoo Groups